European citizens do not participate equally in the Information society: in fact, the digital gap is moving down from infrastructures to uses. Based on this observation, local authorities in Europe have developed Digital Public Spaces (DPS) promoting e-inclusion.
The aim of the Telecentre is to:
- offer free lifelong learning opportunities to target groups
- Free internet access to students for educational purposes
- Consultancy services to the local professionals
In the long term it plans to improve the economic situation by decreasing youth unemployment through supporting successful job searches, encouraging individuals to develop small enterprises, increase the number of markets for buying and selling and to focus on increasing the number of specialists residing in the community, the opportunities for distance and life-long learning and by improving the effectiveness of local organizations through activities such as networking, sharing information with similar organizations and participation in discussion groups.
The Telecenter operates in Dymi’s Municipal Library. It offers a range of customised services are such as e-learning & training; consultancy; information points and Internet access point . It also supports the social networking platform "Sorurall VLW" which is utilized by the Telecentre to support local community engagement in project TELEACCESS. Specifically, the overall budget for the establishment of pilot telecenters in Dymis existences premises, for the pilot operation of the established Telecenter and for the design and develop of pilot services was around 27.000€. >
The centre is staffed and operates on a Broadband DSL connection and WLAN connection. There are 7 PCs with web cams and headsets and one W-LAN router, a laser printer and freezer software.
Some of the outputs and impacts of the centre have been:
- e-learning lessons for Primary Education students
- acting as an operation centre for crisis management activities of local crisis management office
- organization of seminars for breeders and entrepreneurs, • Organization for seminars on internet safety for parents. >
The impact has been an increased offer of opportunities for distance and life-long learning and an increased awareness for e-services.